05 January 2011

serabut serabut

Assalamualaikum wbt. anneyong ha-se-yo =.= *baru belaja mengeja. to be honest, Im not in the mood. dikesempatan ini, aku nak ucapkan congrat to Siti Syifa. proud to be your fwen, usaha lagi yee. ahhh, okey jun! never ever give up! kuat kan semangat.. this is not the end of the world, right.. who knows, tomorrow will be your day. aduhh.. ya Allah, beri lah aku kekuatan untuk mengharungi ujian ni. semangat jun bersemangat! semangat!! ^_^" *fake smile

skali kurebah, sejuta kali kubangkit

stress? oh noo, sape kate saye tertekan! saye nyaris² nak makan mee sup buat kali kedua. haha semakin berselera. weeeeeeell, you know me! by the way, selamat berjaye korangg :)


Syahira said...

jgn lemoh semangat aju....... skali gagal tak bermakna gagal selama2nye okkkkkkkk. very true!

syurga kecil said...

tengs kakcik!^_^
kakcik, saye rindu k.cik!